This week on BA, we’re diving into my morning ritual. So far we have covered my essential skincare routine + everything that I do to get my mind right.
Today I’m going to talk to you about the third step in my ritual which is all about fueling your B O D Y.
Step 1 : S K I N C A R E.
Step 2 : M E D I T A T I O N. G R A T I T U D E. V I S U A L I Z A T I O N. A F F I R M A T I O N S. S C H E D U L I N G.
Step 3 : M O R N I N G B E V E R A G E + S U P P L E M E N T S
Step 4: P I N T E R E S T
Today, I’ll cover the third step in the process…
Step 3 : M O R N I N G B E V E R A G E + S U P P L E M E N T S
This beverage is E V E R Y T H I N G.
Mood boosting. Inflammation reducing. Nourishing. Energy enhancing. Blood sugar balancing. And it has a savory, creamy, slightly sweet, slightly nutty taste.
I call it my Matcha Maca Cake Batter Latte.
It’s vegan-ish.
What does that mean to you non-vegan humans? It means that nothing that goes into this drink comes from animals (except for the honey. That comes from bees. If you are a non-honey-consuming-vegan please substitute for agave or maple syrup).
It’s all plant based.
It takes less than 5 minutes to make + I make sure to consume this every.single.morning.
1 TSP Maca
1 TSP Almond Extract
1 TSP Raw honey
1 TSP Cinnamon
1 TSP Vanilla Extract
3/4 TSP Turmeric
1 TBSP Matcha
1/4 TSP Black Pepper
Boiled water
Steamed Almond Milk
- Heat water + almond milk in two separate saucepans on the stove on high heat until bubbles form.
- Put all other ingredients in a mug.
- Fill the mug 1/4 full with the boiling water and stir the mug’s contents vigorously until dissolved.
- Fill the remainder of the mug with the hot almond milk.
- Optional: top with more cinnamon.
Put 1 TSP of maca, raw honey, cinnamon, almond extract, + vanilla extract into a mug.
Put 3/4 TSP of turmeric into the mug.
Put 1 TBSP Matcha into the mug.
Put 1 TBSP of MCT Oil into the mug.
Put 1/4 TSP of black pepper into the mug.
Fill mug 1/4 full with boiling water + stir the contents in the mug vigorously until dissolved.
Fill the rest of the mug with almond milk + stir. Top with cinnamon if desired.
Enjoy. Feel nourished, warmed, + healthy.
19 of 30 morning minutes complete (remember – this drink is made while doing your My Morning exercise from yesterday!). Check back tomorrow for Step 4 of my Morning Ritual.. by the end of the week you’ll have all of the necessary steps for a zenned out morning of gratitude, self-love, + productivity.
[…] looks like a hot matcha maca latte in my hand + a load of uncensored “pinning” (my only rule: If I think it’s beautiful or it […]