I was browsing shops online looking for unique items to complete my office {hopefully it will be completed… and I can show it off a bit to all of you… within a month} and I stumbled upon Sugar Paper. Everything about this company resonated with me… and I adore their design aesthetic. With their focus on typography, an exceptionally keen eye for design, and all things that scream, “Well, don’t you have amazing taste?!”… you really can’t go wrong with a purchase from them. Before I knew it, I had ordered the print above {you can buy the “Hello Darling” print here} and numbers 10, 11, and 12 below {I have every intention of purchasing the “XOXO” stationary, as well}. Hmm… maybe I should order monogramed stationary, too?
1. Thanks, Raspberry $16, 2. Thank You Calligraphy, Black $24, 3. Classic Thanks, Kraft $16
4. Bee Note set $24, 5. Arrow Note Set, Pool $24, 6. Escorial XOXO $24
7. Cheers Coaster $26, 8. Recipe Box $98, 9. Gold Polka Dot Coaster $26
10. Ampersand Print $40, 11. It’s Nice to be Nice Print $40, 12. California Print $50
13. Gold Cabana Stripe Place Cards $14, 14. Raspberry Border Place Cards $14, 15. Red Banner Place Cards $14
16. Hi There Card $6, 17. You’re Awesome Card $6.25, 18. Be Mine Card $6
I dare you to try and not fall in love with this paperie... gold foil, thick card stock, hand-drawn typography... see? You're in love.
I was JUST searching the web yesterday for the perfect classy custom stationary… I’m SOLD. XOXOXO